Tibial fractures ...

Tibial fractures ...

27 March 2024

Nei bovini le fratture delle ossa lunghe di origine traumatica sono alquanto frequenti, sia su ...

Pelvic fracture, dislocated hip and lumbar spondylosis ...

Pelvic fracture, dislocated hip and lumbar spondylosis ...

22 January 2024

I disturbi motori che interessano il treno posteriore delle vacche adulte sono molto comuni nel...

Peroneal nerve paralysis (Friesian calf)

Peroneal nerve paralysis (Friesian calf)

16 January 2024

Peroneal nerve paralysis is linked to the right tibial fracture ...

Flogosis and nerve paralysis of the hind limbs

Flogosis and nerve paralysis of the hind limbs

08 January 2024

In Clinica/Immagini/Sistema nervoso periferico nuovi casi che riguardano lesioni deI nervI spin...

A new clinical case: "The cow doesn't get up again!"

A new clinical case: "The cow doesn't get up again!"

30 December 2023

A Friesian cow in third lactation, about three months after childbirth, cannot get up. The anam...

Macro e microelements: clinical events

Macro e microelements: clinical events

08 December 2023

In Clinic/Articles/Metabolic imbalances a new presentation talks about macro and microelements,...

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Content related to the resulting surgical clinical records and the surgical operations executed on-field.

Clinical Cases

Content related to single animal and herd clinical cases

Milk Quality - Mastitis

Specific content related to Milk Quality

Reproduction - Gynecology

Content related to reproductive pathologies and fertility

Herd Management

Content related to the animal health management of the bovine farms, the herd-related problems and pathologies.

Anatom-pathological findings

Anatom-pathological findings spotted during autopsies or surgical operations.

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